
Clematis recta

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Skrevet af: Andreas A., 11. oktober 2018 kl. 5.56

Jeg har købt nogle frø af Clematis recta, men kan ikke finde meget omkring hvordan jeg bør så dem.

Er her en der kan fortælle mig hvordan den bedst sås herhjemme?

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Skrevet af: Svend Høst, 11. oktober 2018 kl. 10.26

Germinating Clematis from Seeds
Clematis seeds may take up to three years to germinate, but you should get some germination in about six months to a year. Collect ripe seed in the fall and plant in sterile seed starting mix, covering seeds with a thin layer of sand. Place the container into a zip lock polyethylene bag and place it outside in a shady spot (or a refrigerator) for several months during the winter so that they go through several freeze/thaw cycles.

Then place the covered container in a warm location out of direct sunlight and wait for your first seedling. As the seeds germinate, the small plants should be pricked out of the germinating container and planted into a small pot using a sterile soilless mix. Be very careful as the root will be a single long root in the beginning. As it grows larger it will need a larger pot, fertilizer and constant moisture. When the plant has three sets of leaves, pinch out the growing tip to promote branching.

Seeds collected from hybrid clematis will usually not breed true to the parent so you might create a new and exciting cultivar that may be named after yourself or a loved one. The chances of getting a new winner are about one in 200, but acceptable smaller flowers of little commercial value will result. They make great gifts to fellow gardeners if you get too many.

Your seedling will take at least a year to offer its first bloom and another three years to become a mature plant. I usually wait until it blooms before planting it out in the garden. A greenhouse helps. It is a labor of love! Good luck!

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