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Skrevet af: Penille, 27. april 2006 kl. 14.38

Hvor gammel skal alm. Robinie være før den blomstrer?

Venlig hilsen

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Skrevet af: Træormen, 23. juni 2006 kl. 13.52

Sikke mange svar.

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Skrevet af: MM, 6. november 2006 kl. 17.27

På hjemmesiden
står der 3–6 år og helt op til 60 år før den blomstrer/sætter frø, og i England sker det ofte at den aldrig blomstrer.

Most natural reproduction of False Acacia/Black Locust is vegetative by means of root suckering and stump sprouting. Propagation is usually by seed or suckers.

Seed production can be variable. Trees will probably start to bear fruit from about 3–6 years onwards, although there have been incidences of a tree starting to fruit only at 60 years old. The best seed crop are found between 15 and 40 years old and years of heavy fruiting and then a much lighter crop are common. The fragrant flowers (10–25 cm long hanging racemes) appear in May and June soon after the leaves. In Britain the tree often fails to flower. Pollination is by insects, especially bees. 4 to 8 seeds grow in a pod and ripen in September/October. These pods open on the tree during the Winter and early Spring. Nevertheless there are very few seedlings. The seeds have hard, impermeable outer coats, which are relatively impervious to water. The seeds must therefore be softened by treatment with sulfuric acid, soaking in hot water, or scarification. Due to the hard coats the seeds stay viable for many years. A kilo will contain roughly 35,000–50,000 seeds.

(I had a batch of seeds one year, which I soaked in hot water and had reasonable germination. Once germinated, the seedlings were very easy to grow – webmother)
Early growth is very speedy and can be from 45 cm to 120cm a year, depending on the site.

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Skrevet af: A.M. Lønbæk Planteskole, 6. november 2006 kl. 20.11

Rodskud blomstrer ofte som treårs planter.Højde 1,5–2m.

Hilsen Anne Marie

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